GDC Europe 2016


Unfortunately I managed to completely miss posting any content in July, but for a very good reason. I have been busy putting together my talk for this years GDC event in Cologne!

I will be giving a talk titled: Creating Conflict: Combat Design for AAA Action Games along with two very talented designers: Pete Ellis from Guerrilla Games and Sam Howels from Deep Silver’s Dambusters Studios.

You can catch the talk at 2:30pm on Monday the 15th of August at the GDC event (or later on the vault).

Hopefully I’ll have more content for the blog soon!


Creating Conflict: Combat Design for AAA Action Games

Michael Barclay  |  Lead Level Designer, Cloud Imperium Games | Speaker
Sam Howels  |  Principal Designer, Deep Silver Dambuster Studios | Speaker
Pete Ellis  |  Level Designer, Guerrilla Cambridge | Speaker
Location:  Congress Saal 2, 4th Level
Date:  Monday, August 15
Time:  14:30 – 15:30
Format: Lecture
Track: Design
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Student Pass Get your pass now!
Vault Recording: Video
Audience Level: All